LLB în drept: Absolvent accelerat
Stirling, Regatul Unit
24 Months
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Sep 2024
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LLB-ul nostru vă va oferi o cunoaștere și o înțelegere aprofundată a principiilor, teoriilor, instituțiilor și normelor juridice, precum și a contextului social și politic mai larg în care funcționează legea. Acest curs de doi ani vă oferă o calificare bine închegată care poate fi primul pas spre a deveni avocat scoțian sau spre a intra în alte profesii prestigioase.
Acest LLB Law: Accelerated Graduate degree este acreditat de Societatea de Drept din Scoția și de Facultatea de Avocați. Vă rugăm să rețineți că sunt necesare studii suplimentare după acest curs pentru a vă califica ca avocat și pentru a practica ca avocat în Scoția.
Top motive pentru a studia cu noi
#1 Fă parte dintr-un cerc de avocați prietenos și unitar, în care vei fi mai mult decât o simplă față în mulțime
# 2 Profesorii dvs. sunt specialiști de înaltă specializare în domeniile lor de cercetare și predare
# 3 Veți dezvolta abilități transferabile, cum ar fi conștientizarea comercială și antreprenoriatul
The main objectives of this accelerated law degree are to help you:
- develop fundamental in-depth knowledge and understanding of,
- the principles, concepts, values, substantive rules and development of the Scottish legal system and core areas of Scots law
- the wider context within which the Scottish legal system operates
- the main institutions and procedures of the Scottish legal system
- develop intellectual rigour, independence of mind, critical thought and legal problem-solving and research skills to a highly advanced level, as well as more general transferable intellectual skills which are of value in the practice of Law and a wide range of careers
- gain the in-depth knowledge, understanding and independent research skills needed to progress to further studies in Law, or in multi-disciplinary areas involving law
- get the self-confidence, knowledge, understanding and skills that will provide added benefit to you as individuals, to the legal profession and to society as a whole
You’ll also develop your commercial awareness in the module on the Business of Law which has been designed to enhance your employability. Spread over the duration of your degree, this module will draw on your own experience, external industry speakers and interactive seminars to enhance your business skills and develop entrepreneurship which is sought after by employers. It will culminate in a tailormade project on an area of legal business that interests you.
Course details
The Accelerated Graduate LLB course is a two-year degree, with two semesters in each year. You’ll take all of the professional modules required by the Law Society of Scotland including modules on:
- Business of Law
- Commercial Law
- Contract Law
- Criminal Law and Evidence
- Delict
- Family Law
- Jurisprudence
- Property Trusts and Succession
- Public Law and Legal System
You’ll also have the chance to take four Honours level subjects to develop an even deeper understanding of the law in context. We have a wide range of options, including:
- Alternative Commercial Dispute Resolution
- Children’s Rights
- Competition Law
- Contemporary Issues in Criminal Justice
- Contemporary Issues in Scots Private Law
- Constitutional Law
- Domestic Relations
- Energy Law
- Environmental Law
- European Law
- Intellectual Property Law
- International Human Rights
- Labour Law
- Media Law
- Private International Law of Commercial Law
- Private International Law of Family and Succession Law
- Roman Law
- Sports Law
- Work Placement in Law
Please note that Honours modules are subject to change and may not run annually.
Modules are delivered by via face to face lectures and seminars, supplemented by podcasts. Throughout your degree you will be expected to spend a significant proportion of your week reading the material required for seminars and tutorials.